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A Noble Challenge
The noblemen, or district governors, of King Solomon's court had a very noble challenge. They were charged with supplying provisions for the King and all who came to the King's table, each in his month. 1 Kings 4:27
They saw to it that nothing was lacking.
These men, the district governors, were so important to God their names are listed in 1Kings 4:7. We believe our God keeps His promises..."if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward."
Jesus said that in Matthew 10:42 Our God is a father.
The King's table at
Los Gozosos
The Kingdom of God is here in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. His table is here filled with disabled children and the loving hands that serve them day and night We need men and women with a noble heart to take up the challenge of supplying the base of our monthly provision.
The Challenge:
$12,000 one month
each and every year
Organize your church or a group of churches to work together all year raising funds through a series of events and activities (bake sale, car wash, golf event, banquet, pancake breakfast) until you meet your goal.
We will assign you a month each year with the date your donation must be sent. You will receive a confirmation from Three Ravens Global.
Your Noble Hearts, together with others who take up our challenge (we only need 12) will provide a stable base for operating our orphanage and school for disabled children and young adults in Guatemala. The funds will first be used keep all the loving hands and hearts who provide the daily care of our children steady. We cannot do this without them or without you.
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